Motion analysis
Figure 1. 5 year old child had a Ewing's sarcoma of the proximal tibia resected and reconstructed with an allograft. 10 years later the growth in the tibia was maintained
Video 1. Child walks with a barely imperceptible drop on the right leg
Figure 2. 14 year old boy had a resection preserving his tibial growth plate for osteosarcoma of the distal femur involving the growth plate
Video 2. A year later weight bearing is full but he has developed a curious walking stance which appears to be habitual as there is no loss in muscle power clinically
Figure 3. 14 year old girl had a resection preserving her femoral growth plate for osteosarcoma of the proximal tibia involving the growth plate
Video 4. 3 years later weight bearing is full and gait is normal
Figure 4. High flexion knee replacement surgery down for arthritis
Video 4. 3 months later a mild limp due to hip weakness was readily detected by motion analysis and corrected with simple hip strengthening exercises
Figure 5. Flat footed 12 year old child underwent a subtalar distraction procedure
Video 5. 3 months later the flat-footed gait was corrected and subsequently hip and knee deformities seen here normalised
Video 6.1. The patient underwent anterior cruciate ligament surgery
Video 6.2. At 6 months it is already difficult to tell which side was operated on
Figure 7. The parametrics provided in the software permit the breakdown of complex movements involved in sporting activity
Video 7. The system lends itself well to evaluating the perfect golf swing
Figure 8.1. Martial art movements are specifically difficult to track due to extremely fast movement
Video 8. The system has a rapid response rate that is able to track kicking at high speed
Figure 8.2. In this analysis the point of contact force of both feet were identical however this was achieved through sheer power projection at the right hip and more of a whip action on the left hip.