Ewing's sarcoma
Ewing's sarcomas are the most common primary malignant solid tumor of bone in the first decade of life and are more common in the pelvis and spine in this age group. Treatment involves the use of chemotherapy and surgery. Radiation is also usually necessary but with surgery the radiation dose can be reduced.
Figure 1. Survival for Ewing's sarcoma used to be considered uniformly fatal but with better chemotherapy and radiation has improved to being as good as osteosarcoma.
Figure 2. Ewing's sarcoma is a primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) in a family of tumors that are characterised by small blue round cells (a). Depending on where they originate they can have various confusing names (b).
Figure 3. This 10-year old boy presented with an Ewing's sarcoma over the right acetabulum. With good chemotherapy we were able to save the hip by recycling the cryo-preserved tumor-bearing acetabulum. Six years later despite a mild loss of growth the patient walks well with this hip.